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Chemistry and Biochemistry Flow Cytometry Facility

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Schedule Instrument Time for the Attune Nxt
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Schedule Instrument Time for the S3e Cell Sorter
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NEW PRICING FOR THE ATTUNE AND S3E. Effective August 1, 2024, the new cost for the Attune NxT is $23/hr, and the cost for the S3e cell sorter is $100/hr. There will be a monthly cap on individual lab charges of $1000/mo for the Attune and a monthly cap on individual lab charges of $1300/mo for the S3e.
FLOW FACILITY TA REQUIRED FOR CELL SORTING. Beginning June 15, 2023, scheduling the flow facility TA will be required for all cell sorts. Please schedule your time using the new scheduling app (Microsoft Bookings) and have your cells ready by the appointment.